Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Long Awaited Alumni Reunion is Finaly HERE!!

Special Thanks To:

> The School and Management for their continuous support

> Our Sponsors

Mr. Subash Patel,
SCB Tanzania Limited (Pepsi)
Clouds FM

> All our supporters

Best Bite / At The Green / Subway / Novel Idea / Samaki Samaki & New World Cinema


This wouldn't be possible without your support. Thank You!!

Contact Us

Austin 0655 625264
Fatima 0756 021000
Abeid 0754 268156


Event's Programme

The event will start at 1500 hours through 1900hrs.

We shall have a few presentations from the organizers, the school, the board and the guest of honor.

We shall have a lot of entertainment

We shall have a lot to eat and drink

Event's Poster

Spouses are welcome and the Dress Code is Smart / Smart Casual...

Ticket Selling Points

Buy your Ticket today at one of the following places:
> At the School (Shaaban Robert Secondary School)
> Best Bite
> Subway
> At The Green
> Novel Idea (Slipway)
> Samaki Samaki (Mlimani City)&
> New World Cinema (Mwenge)

Tickets will also be sold at the gate on the Event's Day (26th April)


We, a team of three people, Austin Makani (Ex Shaabanian 2000), Fatima Abdallah (Ex Shaabanian 2001) and Abeid Mtezo (Ex Shaabanian 2001) take a great pleasure to appreciate the support of Sir. JK Chande, the school board, The Headmaster Mr. Ramji and Ms. Baloo for their continuous support in organizing this event!